Written 10-8-08
I don't know what the problem is, but for the last three days people have been nagging me about Jesus. Literally once a day for the past three days someone has tried to convert me to Christianity. Apparently I have a big sticker on my forehead that says SAVE ME JESUS! It's beginning to piss me off.
Maybe it's the dreadlocks. Maybe it's the little Buddha hanging from my neck, or the Tao Te Ching I just started reading. Or maybe, just maybe, I was simply being happy as myself and someone wanted to ruin my day. Now I have lots of friends who are Christians, and hey, I think Jesus was a pretty cool dude...he walked through the desert in flip flops spreading peace, the ultimate hippie. But you don't see Muslims or Buddhists or Jews wielding pictures of dead babies in front of abortion clinics or thumping their religious texts at people in the street, so I'm going to pick on the Christians.
Now I have my respect for religion. I'm happy that people can find something to believe in, something to push them forward and keep them motivated. The problem is, and we've all experienced this, is when they try to push that religion on me, because I don't want to hear it. Now when some old lady I don't know from Odessa, Texas tells me, and this is a direct quote, that I'm too pretty to go to Hell, and if I accept Jesus into my heart, we can see each other in Heaven...well, that is the absolute last place I want to be.
So here I am, trying to be respectful not only because she is a human being, but also because I'm at work and will get fired if I explode on her Jesus-Freak ass. Instead I smile calmly, mumble something about how Heaven is what you make it, and wander off to the back where I can vent my frustrations to the poor and unsuspecting kitchen staff. Lets take a look at what this small, insignificant conversation has accomplished:
1. I hate this woman, and I don't even know her.
2. She has upset and offended me, which is pretty difficult to manage
3. I now love Jesus even less than I did two minutes ago
4. She is setting a bad example and giving a bad name to good Christians
I ask the universe for an answer to my question: What made this woman believe, to the absolute core of her soul, that I am wrong and she is right? That there was only her religion, yet she was not educated enough to know about the other religions very prevalent in this world? That she was above rude comments towards strangers whilst breaking the rules of the organized religion she beholds so righteously? How dare she...how dare anyone?
An excerpt from Letters From The Earth, by Mark Twain:
"For there is nothing about a man that is not strange to an immortal. For instance, take this sample: he has imagined a heaven like himself: strange, interesting, astonishing, grotesque. I give you my word, there is not a single feature in it he actually values. It consists- utterly and entirely- of diversions which he cares next to nothing about, here in this earth, yet is quite sure he will like in heaven. Isn't it curious? You must not think I am exaggerating, for it is not so. I will give you details.
Most men do not sing, most men cannot sing, most men will not stay where others are singing if it be continued more than two hours, yet they will all be singing in their heaven.
Only about two men out of a hundred can play a musical instrument, and not four in a hundred have any wish to learn how, yet they all play harps in their heaven.
Most men pray, not many of them like to do it. A few pray long, the others make a short cut. All nations look down upon all other nations. All nations dislike all other nations. I ask you to note all these particulars."
I write this Sunday night. Monday, August 11th is my 23rd birthday. All I want for my birthday is a little peace. Peace of mind to know that my beliefs are for me, that your beliefs are for you, and that someday we all might be able to coexist together in this beautiful world without all the violence and hatred. To have peace of mind knowing that I lead a good life, that I am a good person and that I will be just fine living well with my own morals and values.
"When I do good, I feel good.
When I do bad, I feel bad.
And that is my religion."
-Abraham Lincoln
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